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Chinese Manufacturing Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is Snoopit Imports fee?

A. We do not charge a fee for services. Snoopit Imports is compensated only if we locate & procure your product based on your specifications and acceptance. Our compensation is based on supplier cost and will be a part of the landed cost.  When Snoopit Imports quotes a price, it will include our compensation as well as costs for overseas shipping, tariffs & customs fees. Our job is to source products in China.  If we cannot locate your product at the right price then there is no cost to you.

Q. Can I see past products procured from China?

A. Yes. Please visit our sample page.

Q. Do you offer Non-Disclosure agreements for your clients?

A. Yes. Upon request

Q. How can I protect my product from being duplicated?

A. All Snoopit Imports employees are required to sign an NDA (non-disclosure agreement) and Snoopit Imports will provide an NDA upon request to the Client. Snoopit Imports screens the manufacturers we partner with and they also agree to sign an NDA upon request. The manufacturers Snoopit Imports contracts with are respected and reputable companies in China. These manufacturers understand the consequences of breaking their contractual obligations and are very protective of their reputation.

Q. What if I am not satisfied with the finished product?

A. We want our Clients to be 100% satisfied and we will work with the manufacturers in China to rectify any issues in a timely fashion, until the job is complete and you are 100% satisfied with the results.

Q. Do you offer product sourcing in countries other than China

A. Our manufacturing contacts are focused in China and we currently do not offer product sourcing in other countries.

Q. Will I be in contact with the manufacturers directly?

A. No. We handle the entire process.

Q. How much money will I save using Snoopit Imports?

A. Depending on your product, the savings can be significant. It is not uncommon to see savings between 30% to 60% of your current US wholesale costs.

Q. What type of products can Snoopit Imports source?

A. We can source virtually any product. We can also facilitate custom needs as well. Please visit our sample products page to see some of the past products procured. Send us a sample of your product or specifications and we will take it from there. There is no cost to you unless we are successful. Of course we cannot procure existing brand name products and we tend to stay away from very high tech products. Please call with any questions.

Q. How does Snoopit Imports control the quality of the product?

A. We work very closely with clients to understand the product specifications so we may find the right manufacturer to suit your needs.  We always procure samples prior to production to ensure quality.  In addition, we have (Chinese) employees located in China that visit the factory throughout the production process to track quality as per the specifications set forth by the client.  We are involved in the entire process from sampling, production & delivery of your product.

Q. Can I have custom printing or packaging for my product?

A. Absolutely. Most Chinese manufacturers have this capability.

Q. What are the minimum quantity requirements?

A. Quantities required vary depending on product. Over the last few years, manufacturers in China have drastically reduced the minimum quantity requirements, sometimes as low as in the hundreds of units. Depending on the product, the customer should figure a minimum order of ten to twenty thousand dollars for an initial production run once samples have been approved. Of course this is only an estimated range. For example, lower cost products can produce between 800-2000 units @ $12 per unit, higher cost products will yield a lower quantity. Typically procurement is not based on a defined dollar amount, although for these purposes and based on our experience; this is the dollar amount that is generally acceptable and desirable to a factory in China on an initial order.

Q. Can I purchase products from the sample product page?

A. No. These are only examples of prior product procurements from China. Snoopit Imports does not inventory product to sell. We procure product based on our Clients specific requests.